Diving for Pearls
Diving for Pearls
Mucha Nyandoro on Dignity for Africa and The Changing of the Guard
Episode #21 of the Diving for Pearls (DFP) podcast has officially launched!!! In this final episode of Season 1 of DFP_UAE, I sit down with Mucha Nyandoro, Founder and Principal of Manelith, a Dubai-based management consultancy, and Founder and Chief of Tribe of Professional Tribes, to discuss how we can use amplification to improve equity, inclusion and dignity for all. Mucha contends that when we look for opportunities to deliberately amplify the stories and voices of others, especially women, we benefit everyone and help overcome status deficits. A Zimbabwean at heart, Mucha posits that when we serve as mentors to share knowledge and connections, we create unity amongst groups and shift away from dominant and mainstream narratives that are harmful and hurtful. A mentor with the Dubai Business Women Council, Mucha is on a mission to reshape conversations so that not only are women’s voices throughout Africa and the globe heard and heeded, but a different story about the African continent is told.
Please subscribe to the Diving for Pearls podcast on Apple, Spotify, Patreon, iHeart and wherever you listen to podcasts and please rate and review. Thank you in advance for your support. Please connect with Mucha Nyandoro on Instagram @mucha_nyandoro and professional_tribes, on Facebook @Professional Tribes, on LinkedIn @Mucha Hazel Nyandoro and Professional Tribes. Additionally, please connect with Mucha at https://professionaltribes.com/
Thank you.
References and Websites:
Professional Tribes -https://professionaltribes.com/
Dubai Business Women Council- https://www.dbwc.ae/
Dubai Chamber of Commerce- https://www.dubaichamber.com/
Agenda 2063- https://au.int/en/agenda2063/overview
Unicef 2019 Report- https://www.unicef.org/sites/default/files/2020-06/UNICEF-annual-report-2019_2.pdf
UAE in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math- https://www.uaeusaunited.com/story/uae-women-lead-stem
Diving for Pearls Ep. 12 with Tatyana Brown-
Diving for Pearls Ep. 13 with Yvonne Mtengwa-
Diving for Pearls Ep. 16 with Mayowa Adegoke- https://divingforpearls.buzzsprout.com/1489483/9807129-mayowa-adegoke-on-the-power-of-story-to-transform-lives-hope-for-a-more-prosperous-africa