Diving for Pearls
Diving for Pearls
Ranti Mark on Living Fully and Letting Your Light Shine Bright
In this episode, I sit down with Dubai-based Neo-Classical singer and performing artist, Ranti, to discuss how gaining a breadth of experience and taking on pursuits of all kinds helps us become more creative and agile, leading to improvements in both skill and performance over time. Combining knowledge from a diverse range of fields is what Ranti believes, enables us to expand our vision of what’s possible. An eternal optimist, Ranti maintains that if we each practice using the “light within”, to connect and honor the light within others, we are living with purpose and with power.
Initially, an engineer by trade and training, Ranti has come to value the importance of knowing a little bit about everything as a way of expanding her knowledge, tapping into her full potential and connecting with others. As someone who has derived pleasure from reading sheet music at a young age, dabbled in Italian, French and German and sung on some of the world’s largest stages, Ranti has learned the art of capitalizing on opportunities, leading her closer to achieving “the impossible”. Now performing in what she classifies as a “perfectionist” field, Ranti hopes to find innovative ways to attract and expose a younger demographic to classical music and inspire new ways of thinking and creating. It is her desire that all ages come to experience the beauty and depth of this incredibly rich, art form. Relentlessly pursuing her dream to sing in every opera house in the world, Ranti encourages us to find the fire within, go after our biggest aspirations, and do our best to live full and die empty.
Please subscribe to the Diving for Pearls podcast on Apple, Spotify, Patreon, iHeart and wherever you listen to podcasts and please rate and review. Thank you in advance for your support. Please connect with Ranti on Instagram @rantimusic, on Twitter @rantimusic and on Facebook @Ranti. Additionally, please also connect with Ranti at www.rantimusic.com
Thank you.
References and Websites:
Malcolm Gladwell- https://www.gladwellbooks.com/
Joyce Meyer- https://joycemeyer.org/
The Confident Woman Devotional: 365 Daily Inspirations by Joyce Meyer
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do by Amy Morin
Master Singers: Advice from the Stage by Donald George and Lucy Mauro
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
The Musical Society of Nigeria- https://muson.org/
(“Beautiful Spheres” by Aleksandra Krstic is the theme song for the DFP podcast. Please follow Aleksandra Krstic on Instagram at AleksandraKrstic_official and on FB at Aleksandra Krstic).