Diving for Pearls
Diving for Pearls
Kai Charles on Recognizing Your Gifts, Loving Yourself and Learning the Secret to Being Enough
In this episode, Dubai-based creative, entrepreneur, host, entertainer and motivational author of self-help workbook, ‘I Am What I Say I Am’, Kai Charles, discusses how identifying your gifts, leaning into and leveraging your strengths, can help you find new ways to unleash your maximum personal potential and use it for the good of others. A self-love guru who firmly believes in loving oneself without conditions, Kai shows us how operating from a place of love helps us tap into our strengths, take ownership of our lives and see things from a grander perspective.
A creative who came to Dubai with “two bags and a hope”, Kai is a prime example of someone who has found powerful answers to “What is my gift?” and utilized that gift to inspire and empower others. Kai realized that when she aligned herself with her true nature, a super-connector with the gift of the gab, she was able to build on her career and position herself for success. She utilized her innate skills and talents to co-found and launch several organizations and platforms in the UAE, namely Black Girl in Dubai, Bite Club Dubai, Mind Over Matter Talks Podcast and the Black Economic Collective.
As someone who has achieved tremendous success in a relatively short period, Kai reminds us that achieving goals and reaching milestones should not be the prerequisite for loving oneself. She advocates that we cultivate and protect self-love, not simply by indulging in luxurious self-care treatments, but by sometimes learning to say “no”, taking control of the dialogue in our heads, and protecting ourselves from the opinions, expectations and priorities of other people. Kai ultimately shows us how building a practice of self-love helps us get in touch with ourselves, push through our limiting beliefs, and affirm that we are already enough.
Please subscribe to the Diving for Pearls podcast on Apple, Spotify, Patreon, iHeart and wherever you listen to podcasts and please rate and review. Thank you in advance for your support. Please connect with Kai on Instagram @iamsimplykai, @blackgirlindubai and @#mindovermattertalks, on Twitter @iamsimplykai and on Facebook @Kai. Please also connect with Kai at www.iamsimplykai.com, www.blackgirlindubai.com and www.blackeconomiccollective.com
Thank you.
References and Websites:
Kai Charles-www.iamsimplykai.com
Black Girl in Dubai- http://blackgirlindubai.com/
The Black Economic Collective- https://www.blackeconomiccollective.com/
Bite Club Dubai- http://biteclubdubai.com/
Mind Over Matter Talks Podcast @Spotify and @Apple Podcasts
I Am What I Say I Am: A simple guide to overcome self-doubt, reveal & affirm your true potential (and live your best life!) by Kai Charles
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
(“Beautiful Spheres” by Aleksandra Krstic is the theme song for the DFP podcast. Please follow Aleksandra Krstic on Instagram at AleksandraKrstic_official and on FB at Aleksandra Krstic).