Diving for Pearls
Diving for Pearls
Dr. Beatrix Henkel on Being, and Leading a More Inspired, Joyful and Curious Life
In this episode, UAE-based Educator, Leadership Development Specialist, Coach, Visionary and Founder of R.A.C. E (Raising the Awareness of Coaching in Education), Beatrix Henkel talks about how approaching life with curiosity and without assumption, as if we have everything to understand and learn, will help us lead a more fulfilling, joyful and impactful life. Additionally, Beatrix shares how coaching can become an effective tool for harnessing and supporting personal and professional learning and development. On a global mission to transform our educational system, one educator at a time, Beatrix reminds us that change begins by delving deep within.
Fully believing that curiosity is the key to personal growth and that life is a joyful and gratifying experience, Beatrix advocates that we take the time right now to learn as much as we possibly can about ourselves and others. She suggests that make it a daily habit of working on ourselves so we can bring less judgement and more curiosity into our lives. She encourages us to find the leader within, bring more empathy and understanding into our conversations, stay curious by asking questions, and focus on deepening our “being”, rather than “doing”. Beatrix believes that cultivating a sense of “being” will help us reside in the present moment with an open heart and help us bring awareness to every possible moment. Fully embracing 2020 as a real blessing, Beatrix firmly believes that 2021 can be the year of unconditional love and a year of inspiring and empowering others.
Please subscribe to the Diving for Pearls podcast on Apple, Spotify, Patreon, iHeart and wherever you listen to podcasts and please rate and review. Thank you in advance for your support. Please connect with Beatrix Henkel on LinkedIn @ Dr Beatrix Henkel, on Facebook @Beatrix Henkel and at www.beatrixhenkel.com. Please support R.A.C.E (Raising the Awareness of Coaching in Education) by going to www.coaching4education.com
Thank you.
References and Websites:
R.A.C.E (Raise Awareness of Coaching in Education)- www.coaching4education.com
Beatrix Henkel-www.beatrixhenkel.com
Design Thinking-www.interaction-design.org
Co-Active Teaching Model-www.coactive.com
The Art of Impossible- by Steven Kotler
Atomic Habits- by James Clear
(“Beautiful Spheres” by Aleksandra Krstic is the theme song for the DFP podcast. Please follow Aleksandra Krstic on Instagram at AleksandraKrstic_official and on FB at Aleksandra Krstic).